Saturday, July 2, 2011

Saturday's Sketch Share!

Hello!  Happy July 4th weekend!  Both cards today are a little on the patriotic side.  How fun is that?  As always, I have my card, Debbie's card and the sketch that we both used, to show you today.  Let's do it!  Enjoy!

My Card
Debbie's Card

The Sketch

I do want to comment on my card.  You could say I cheated a little here.  Early this week, I was trying to put away all the scraps and pieces from the class I had just taught last Saturday.  Well, this stamp of the girl and the star glittered border was in there, and the papers, so I figure I would use this sketch along with the leftovers from the class to make my card.  I did change it up and added the balloons by Verve for her to hold.  I know it isn't the the true red, white, and blue colors but it does get the point across! 

Have a great weekend ... wising you a very safe and Happy 4th of July!

Happy Stamping!


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