Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Monthly Madness December 2019!

Hello!  I am back with the last monthly madness samples for 2019.  It is a little later in the month than usual, and that is because I too, had to finish my own Christmas cards and get them mailed, along with a bunch of other tasks at Christmas time.  Knowing that the December kit, theme is Valentine/Friendship, I knew it would work out fine.  You might say I am early!  LOL!  Let's get right to it.  Here are my cards for December ... enjoy!

First, is a pull up card cute!

Next, is a an adorable puppy love card ... 

Sweet bear ... (I know I love critters!)

Special Z Fold Triple Heart card ...

Gotta have a rose card for Valentine's Day...

 Left inside blank because it would be perfect for lots of occasions!
 Last but not least, my bonus card!  

Let me know if you want the last kit of 2019!  Remember to keep getting the best price, you have to get consecutive months. They likely will be sent in the first part of January.  And then we start again ... and I am thinking we should start January off with some birthday cards.

Happy Stamping!


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