Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Monthly Madness February 2020!

Hello!  Well, I am really late now.  I got off track in December to make my own cards and make a baby book.  Thought I would get caught up in January, but that did not happen as the January kits went out a week ago and then ... I got the flu!  But, I am back among the living and my February samples are made and prepping has begun!  On a good note, February theme is Easter, so I am actually early, as Easter is not until April 12th.  Let me show you my cards, so cute ... enjoy!

I have more bunny stamps than one person should own, but I couldn't resist this set from Lawn Fawn!

 Cute little lamb ...

Every Easter has a pretty cross card ... 

Even though the image is lilies, it seems inspirational to me ...

Peeps ... cute enough to eat ... well, not eat, but send!

My bonus card IF I can get kits done and in the mail in a timely manner, otherwise, the bonus card I guess, will be a surprise!

Let me know right away, if you are not already signed up in getting my kits, as I wouldn't want anyone to be left out on getting Easter card kits!

Happy Stamping!


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