Hello! I got the kit samples done a couple of days ago but like all of you, there is a lot on my plate with Christmas just a few days away. But, I am glad to get the time to show you the cards for this month. For the last four December's, I have done a Valentine theme but since I am stopping the monthly madness kits, I wanted to give you a set of cards that I know is always needed, so birthday theme it is. I do want to say here, that even though I am stopping the consecutive month kits, does not mean I will not ever offer any kits. We'll see how it goes, but I can see me doing an occasional kit. And I always will be available if you need kits for any theme. Just reach out to me. People that do not understand the hobby, have said to me, so what are you going to do with all your supplies? And I have to explain I am not giving up cards, papercrafts, etc., I am simply stopping every month of making 200 to 400 cards! I love this hobby and I love the friendships I have made with everyone that have purchased my kits. I am not giving up on either of those! So, with that said, let me show you the last "official" kit samples ... enjoy!
As always, my first card is a special one. This time it has a "viewmaster" element on the front of the card. You turn a wheel, and the balloon changes colors.

And lastly is my bonus card, which is a birthday one for you.
And there you have it. You might have noticed I am using some of the same papers I have used in past kits, and I am telling you this, because it means I will have a limited amount of kits to sell. So, if you want to get a kit especially since it is the last one, or because it is a birthday kit, or just because you like it, be sure to let me know right away! FYI, my plan is to get these in the mail by Jan 13th or earlier. I know this will be fine since the birthday theme has no deadlines.