Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Patriotic Card #1!

Donna and I are working on making patriotic cards for the president of our chapter of Bluebonnet Mothers to try to sell at their national convention this summer.  The money made will go toward mailing more care packages to our troops.  We are making four cards of each design and we have three designs so far. (12 cards ready!) I thought with the 4th of July tomorrow, this week, would be the perfect time to share the cards.  So, I have one for you today, tomorrow, and Friday.  Then on Saturday, the share is patriotic too!  Let's do the first one... enjoy!

I picked up this unmounted tree stamp at one of the conventions.  I tried stamping it in black but that didn't work, it made the flag black, so blue it is.  It is a pretty big stamp, and so the layout for the card had to be simple.  I don't know who makes the stamp, nor do I have details on the designer paper, as it was just a scrap from our stash. 

See you tomorrow for card number 2.
Happy Stamping!


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